If the manual instructions, supplied with your product, are adhered to, there will be many years of trouble-free pump operation. eartheco will not be held liable for any damages, or delays caused by failure to comply with the provision of the manual, or accepted engineering practices. NOTE: Warranty claims will be declared invalid if the content of the manual is not adhered to. The warranty constitutes the entire warranty with respect to the goods and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty by distributors or sales persons and/or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. eartheco specifically warrants that all eartheco equipment products are free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 24 months. The warranty period is calculated from the date of installation.
Warranty periods for repaired or replaced goods remains at the period specified from the original installation date of the equipment. This warranty is against defective materials and workmanship on the product and
specifically does not cover travel / installation / labour costs associated with the removal and/or reinstallation of the product. eartheco or its distributor’s sole obligation to the end user under this warranty, will be at their option to:
1. repair eartheco products or parts found to be defective in material or workmanship. OR in unusual circumstances and only at their discretion
2. replace eartheco products or issue a credit note at the purchase price for such defective goods / parts only.